1.Gun law update: United States Senator Dianne Feinstein, the author and architect of the original 1994 "assault weapons" ban, has announced she will introduce a new federal ban.
In a press release, the Senator was quoted as saying: “I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to pass this bill and other reforms, including the assault weapons ban that I plan to introduce in the coming weeks."
Since her previous “assault’ rifle ban ended she has tried numerous times to resurrect the legislation. Her new bill, which I’m sure will be more expansive, will be introduced shortly in our Democrat controlled Congress.
It's no surprise that this announcement comes just days after gun registry bills were reintroduced in the House and Senate. The Biden/Harris administration is planning for full-scale confiscation. Media sources report they're even planning to hire hundreds of additional ATF agents to do it.
Congressional Democrats have already used reconciliation to bypass actual voting in a clear violation of Congressional rules and procedures. They are voiding the filibuster rules to cut off pro-gun opposition. Gun owners can stop this by actively supporting conservative candidates for all levels of government. Donate to and volunteer to help get out the vote.
President Biden signs more and more Executive Orders everyday designed to take lawfully owned firearms away from veterans or senior citizens. Under Dianne Feinstein’s soon to be introduced bill, anyone considered a threat to themselves or others by family members or responding law enforcement officers will have no way to defend themselves from violent intruders. On a death certificate, there are spaces to list an immediate cause of death. It may be gunshot, choking, poisoning or any of dozens of others. Soon coroners across America will have new cause of death to use on their reports, death by executive order.